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Driving Entrepreneurship Through
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Who We Are
We are a team of engineering and prototyping professionals helping entrepreneurs bring their brilliant ideas to life.
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Boost Your Idea
Founded by successful professionals from a wide range of fields, FTT can help your project gain a cutting-edge, creative, and adaptable boost.
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Access Startup Capital
FTI has everything you need to get your project up and running FAST.
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Expand Your Network
Being accepted into the FTI program will provide access to a quality network of engineering/technical specialists.
Our Services
First Turn is staffed by a group of successful, technically skilled entrepreneurs that have come together to help you develop your idea through the first turn of becoming a scalable business.
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Our Network
ab consulting Phase Tech Mor Champion Edwin A Sisson
ab consulting Champion Launch Lkn Tech Mor Phase Edwin A Sisson

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